Thursday, November 28, 2019

African Elephant Essays - Elephants, Elephant, African Bush Elephant

African Elephant Essays - Elephants, Elephant, African Bush Elephant African Elephant The common name is the African Elephant, the scientific name is Loxodonta Africana, the phylum is Vertebrata, the class is Mammalia, the order is Proboscidea, and the family is Elephantidae. The Closest Relatives to the African Elephant are: the Asian Elephant, mammoths, primitive proboscidean (mastodons), sea cows, and hyraxes. Scientists believe that the African Elephant evolved from one of its closest relatives, the Sea Cow. The geographical location and range of the African elephant covers all of central and southern Africa. In Ethiopia there are isolated populations that exist around Lake Chad in Mali and Mauritania. Also in Kenya, Rhodesia, Tanzania, Zambia, Uganda, Zaire, and in National parks located in South Africa, as well as several other countries. African Elephants, originally, were found in all of the Sub-Saharan African habitats except desert steppes. Elephants still occupy diverse habitats such as: temperate grassland, tropical savanna and grass lands, temperate forest and rainforest, tropical rainforest, tropical scrub forest, and tropical deciduous forest despite their drastic decline in numbers. However, their migratory patterns and habitat use have changed, due to the fact that they are restricted to protected areas. The elephant can exist in many types of environments but it prefers places that have many trees and bushes, which the elephant needs both for food and shade. They also like warm areas that have plenty of rainfall. This ensures plenty of food, shade, and water. The elephant prefers a habitat of mixed woodland and grassland which gives them an opportunity to eat a variety of vegetation. African Elephants are considered herbivores, they are both browsers and grazers; they will eat rough sticks, stems and leaves of plants as well as grasses, sedges, and fruit. Their favorites are mangoes, berries and coconuts. An elephant eats up to 500 pounds of vegetation every day and drinks up to 50 gallons of water daily. Elephants must consume these giant quantities of food, due to their poor digestive system. The small intestine is 82 feet long, the large intestine 21 feet long, and the rectum adds a further 13 feet. The problem with the digestive tract lies in their gut; elephants have too few symbiotic bacteria. These are the organisms which help break down the cellulose of plant cell walls by producing enzymes called cellulases. The most remarkable feature of the elephants digestive system is its 5 feet long appendix, bigger than the stomach. Proteins, starches, and sugars are digested in the appendix. The elephant will excrete almost 200 pounds a day of semi-digested food. Elephants live together in strong family units which might have as few as two or as many as twenty members. When the group gets too big, it splits up; but the groups stay in close contact. Elephant life revolves around this unit which is usually headed by the oldest female. The family offers protection, aid, comfort, and teaching to all of its members. Within the units are cows, calves, and bulls. The male bulls are very solitary and most of the time travel only with other males, except during mating season when the bulls travel with the pack looking for a mate. The males remain with the family unit until they are about fourteen and then leave the family to join the other males. The African elephant usually gives birth to one calf every four years. The gestation period is approximately twenty to twenty two years. The newborn calf, which weighs 200-300 pounds and stands about three feet high, is cared for by all of the females in the pack, not just by the mother. The calf may nurse as long as eight years, or until its tusks are too long for the mother. It takes about 14 to 15 years for an elephant to fully mature. They grow to about 10-13 feet tall and 7.5 meters in length and weigh as much as 7 tons. The family will remain together throughout their lives. The elephants body has many special features which it has adapted throughout the centuries to help it survive in its environment. The most important part of the elephants body is its trunk. An elephant uses its trunk for many things. With it, the elephant can pick up objects that weigh as much as 600 lbs. This powerful trunk is also used to beat off attacking animals and sometimes mother elephants use their trunks to swat their babies. The trunk, which is very flexible, can curl over the elephants head so that the elephant can give

Sunday, November 24, 2019

The Invisable Push essays

The Invisable Push essays That formidable force that makes one needs, what one usually desires; that mind-set that is really more of an entity that sits on ones shoulder, and relentlessly screams further, further, that asset that makes those who are zealous, jealous.......This is ambition. Ambition has been the backbone of every army. Through those great ancient Egyptian wars, through Persia, Hastings, and Waterloo, and through every other noticeable conflict that has ever existed but that I am unable to cite. Each party was blessed by pure and passionate ambition. Ambition to win at whatever cost necessary. Surely, only the collective force of ambition found in battle is liable to cause as much suffering and damage as has been caused by all the battles that have ever been won or lost. Even the weakest most injured warrior who, persevered has been touched not by insanity, but by raw ambition. Ambition is a wonder of the world, it made all seven of our lands and more. What collective zeal one must obtain to create such a phenomenon. Some have been overtaken by blind ambition, which drives them on a mad rampage through reality. Stopping at no cost whether detrimental to themselves or others. Politics and Corporate Companies have been a spotlight though the years such as Watergate and in my opinion the current Enron Case. Hitler is another great example of blind ambition, he got so involved and drawn in, that he became conscienceless. Ambition is the source of all that is good and all that is evil. It makes the wonders but it can also make the wars. Ambition is the winner and loser of every game. Every athlete, every chess player, every marathon runner, and every duck-legged Olympic walker glows of determination which seeps from the pores of their ambition. When years of dedication pass the baton to ambition their is a sense to be reckoned with. No matter how tall ambition stands, someone always has to loose. Unlike the ambiti ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Costs associated with occupational and corporate crime Essay

Costs associated with occupational and corporate crime - Essay Example Income tax violation is a popular white-collar crime. According to an article in New York Times, tax evasion costs governments around the globe more than $3.1 trillion annually. Such a whopping loss of more than $3.1 trillion in annual revenue is a very big issue, yet it is exceedingly hard to catch white-collar criminals. According to a report published by the World Bank in 2011, more than 5.1% of global GDP never reaches the government offices in the form of taxes. Europe is currently facing a crisis because of this rampant tax evasion. The highest amount of tax revenue is lost by the US, about $337 billion. The US is followed by South America and Italy (Werdigier). Embezzlement is a kind of occupational crime and research claims that â€Å"the annual cost of embezzlement is 12.42 billion dollars† (Zarka). Yet, research suggests that the highest costs are associated with white-collar crimes. For example, it is claimed that â€Å"the American business community lost $50 bill ion in 1980 to white-collar crime† (Eitzen cited in Long), which is more than 10 times the costs associated with all street crimes. These are just cost estimates because truth is that occupational and corporate crimes cannot be accurately measured. White-collar criminals are hard to catch because of their high position which is why jails are crowded with socially and economically disadvantaged offenders who have committed some kind of low-class street crime. Many problems are encountered by researchers who try to uncover costs associated with occupational and corporate crimes. It is always easier to estimate costs associated with street crimes because people behind these crimes have no occupational or corporate background. These are jobless people typically belonging to poor class. But, the problem with occupational and corporate criminals is that the higher professions and

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Describe the Opium Wars in China that lead to the Treaty of Nanking Essay

Describe the Opium Wars in China that lead to the Treaty of Nanking. What were the most important factors that lead to the takeover by the West - Essay Example om China, but the monopolies existing among traders in China and unfair tariffs made it difficult for the East India Company to continue trading in silver and it finally resorted to trading opium for tea from China. Opium became very popular in China because during that time, there were difficulties in the economy and people in China were looking for a means of escape. The addictive drug opium provided just such an escape. Opium was prohibited but it was cheap and easy to acquire and the number of addicts kept increasing, at a substantial cost to society. People were trading silver and copper for opium, thus creating further losses to the economy. In the year 1838, Lin Tse-Hsu became the appointee of the Tao-Kuang emperor. Opium addicts were threatened, the drug dealing activities of foreigners were hindered by confiscating stores and demanding that they sign bonds guaranteeing their good conduct and other drug dealers were rounded up. However, all of these efforts did not prove to be a significant deterrent to opium trafficking, as a result of which Lin finally resorted to seizing 20,00 chests of British opium and burning it. This action was the direct cause of the Opium War, since Britain immediately declared war on China in retaliation for this gesture. The Opium War lasted for three years from 1839 to 1842. England was at a distinct advantage due to its superior naval and armed forces and it was able to defeat easily China in 1842. The Treaty of Nanking was formulated after this victory of the British and forced China to agree to several concessions. Firstly, Hong Kong was to be handed over to the British. Secondly, the ports of Foochow, Canton, Amoy, Ningopo and Shanghai were to be opened to foreign businessmen and missionaries. Thirdly, China had to pay 21 million silver dollars to the British. Fourthly, trade tariffs were to be moderated and transit inland fees were to be reduced. Fifthly, foreign officers were to be granted equal status as the Chinese

Monday, November 18, 2019

Direction of the Company Avid Technologies Inc Essay

Direction of the Company Avid Technologies Inc - Essay Example From the aforementioned arguments, it is clear that the scope of the organization’s business for development is bright as the efficiency of the organization to develop digital media for not only commercial purposes but also for marketing communication opens the doors for corporate business development for the organization. This is in line with the arguments of Gerry Johnson and Kevan Scholes 92003)who say that the level of innovation retaining the core business strategy will leverage competitive advantage and new market development for an organization. The company’s involvement in the marketing communication and its position in the games industries are the key areas for development to accomplish for future development. The key objectives set above can be measured against the company’s accomplishment in the form of market share for the organization in the aforementioned market segments. The company generates revenue mainly through the production and distribution o f digital media to clients in the film industry, games industry and other media related commercial business markets. The fact that the company pioneers in the postproduction media management and manipulation of the video in using a computer are the key to the company’s revenue generation. The range of products sold by the company mainly depending upon the requirements of the customers and their specific needs with respect to the projects they handle like the movies and visual effects for a given movie project makes it clear that he company’s core strategy of producing, managing and distributing digital media is the generator of revenue for the  organization.  

Friday, November 15, 2019

Marked women by appearance article

Marked women by appearance article MARKED WOMEN In the Article â€Å"marked women†, Deborah Tannen explains the social way of judging women by their appearance or other factors, but not judging men for the same reasons. Tannen uses her observation during a conference meeting of four women and eight men to analyze how each woman in the meeting was marked while men were not. Again Deborah points out the issue of how one gender writing about the other is either portrayed as prejudiced or sexist. ADD MORE POINTS The author explains that men have the freedom to wear what they want without much meaning being read from their clothes, but for a woman every style has a meaning. In the article Deborah Tannen says â€Å"There is no womans hair style that can be called standard, that says nothing about her† further supporting her point. The author uses the different clothing styles of three ladies in her conference meeting as examples when she tries to attribute them? to their respective personalities. However, she noticed that the men were all dressed alike because they had the freedom to. In my opinion, the authors evaluation is restricted. Tannen did not consider the formal setting of her case study so to say.In such settings, men are often restricted to corporate outfits and a plain haircut just like the ones she observed in her male colleagues in the article (page #) . For instance, it is inappropriate for a man to go job hunting or for an interview in a pair of shorts and plain T shirt , but in a casual place like a bar he has more freedom in his choice of outfits. This example shows that men are only unmarked in certain situations and settings. Further on, Deborah also claims that every womans style has an implied meaning. In paragraph 12 she says â€Å"Each of the women at the conference had to make decisions about hair, clothing, makeup and accessories, and each decision had a carried meaning†. She insinuates that a woman can hardly dress without judgment being passed on her dress. For example, if a woman wears a revealing or tight dress then she is viewed as attention seeking or available. I believe that the Deborah Tannens point here is true because from my experience, a persons appearance is the first criteria for judgment it makes your first impression of the person. I dont completely agree with Deborah attributing this social evaluation to just women since a man can also be judged by how he dresses. His dressing says a lot about his personality, fashion choices, occupation, wealth and even his sexual orientation. You dont need anyone to tell you that a man who dresses in suits everyday works in a firm or some business outfit while the man in overalls and hard hat is a construction worker. Next, the article makes a case about some words in the English language that are marked. Deborah Tannen describes that adding suffixes to some nouns to make them feminine (or about the female gender) seems to infer a sense of a sense of un-seriousness. In Deborahs example adding -ette to the Doctor to form â€Å"Doctorette† shows inferiority to a certain degree . In my opinion the author was myopic in her evaluation. She bases her case on the English language only, in making a general argument about women. Some languages use the same words or completely different words for both genders. in French language â€Å"ilâ€Å" is used for the masculine gender and â€Å"elle† for the feminine gender and â€Å"ils† for plural â€Å"they†. It should be noted that these suffixes are just added to show grammatical differentiation in gender and not for social gender classification. The author cited an expert source Dr. Ralph Fasold in his book, ().†. According to her citation, Dr. Fasold stressed that â€Å"language and culture are particularly unfair in treating women as the marked case because biologically it is the male that is marked† (paragraph 24, line 2). So with respect to this citation, in her opinion men should be the marked ones. This logic seems to be biased and irrelevant to the argument about the women being marked and men unmarked, not which gender should. I believe it was a good citation but for the wrong argument. The article introduces a secondary argument about the societys view of one gender writing about the other. A woman writing about the man is viewed by the society as a prejudiced person. This is true; in my opinion a female writing about a male is sexist. I feel a woman writing about for instance the flaws of the male character is sexist because both genders have flaws and why should only one gender be put to question. In conclusion, I think the author Deborah Tannen had a reasonable argument but her supporting evidence were somewhat biased and they were not strong enough to fully support the arguments. Moreover, she did introduce opposing opinions; she just looked at the argument from a womans point of view. As far as my opinion goes women are judged a little more than men, but that does not mean men are free this societal evaluation.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Use of Mise en Scene in the Chen Kaiges Movie Yellow Earth :: Movie Film Essays

Use of Mise en Scene in the Chen Kaige's Movie Yellow Earth The movie Yellow Earth by Chen Kaige utilizes mise en scene to encompass the full power of the messages that are being sent throughout the movie. By allotting the abundant use of mise en scene instead of montages, the audience is better able to grasp the in depth of the struggles in the film. Using montages would take away from the surroundings, due to the quick shots adding various scenes together to create a meaningful message, which would be lost in the editing. Most audiences would never grasp the overwhelming landscape unless seen in a continuous mise en scene shot. When the soldier (Gu) helps Hanhan and the father plow the fields, the audience gains a sense for the surroundings. We are better able to understand how the surroundings may be a haven of sorts, yet at the same time act as the entrapment that these people have to cope with. The land is magnificent and imposing, giving a sense of space and freedom, yet at the same time completely trapping the people in a noman’ s land, with no way out. The land provides for its people, yet at the same time they are its mercy. ( One of the most powerful scenes in the movie, is when Qiaocui learns the plans for her wedding. The scene is introduced with the father talking to a woman, Qiaocui enters the house and the woman leaves. The shot encompasses both father and daughter as the father tells Qiaucui about her upcoming wedding. As he continues to talk the camera focuses on Qiaucui – even though her father is the speaker. This is an overwhelming moment for the girl, which we are able to see through the reaction in her eyes. The continuous shot of only Qiaucui allows the audience to understand the depth of her disappointment and suffering. This is a vital moment in her life, and thus allowing the focus to fully encompass her reaction gives her reaction that much more power.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Healthy Learning Environment Essay

In my classroom I keep my children healthy by monitoring their health. One of my first priorities is to know which child has any food allergies. I believe that the children need to eat a variety of healthy food. Our center is associated with the USDA Food Program and for this reason we serve lots of fruits and vegetables. In order for the children to see that it’s ok to eat healthy food I sit at the table and model good eating habits. We teach the children to learn the food pyramid; it’s another way to promote good eating habits. I also do a daily health check to see any signs of illness. I also make sure that the classroom is clean before the children enter the room. I clean the tables using bleach solution a few times a day to keep it sanitized and germ free. In our center we keep the children safe by creating an environment that helps the children make good choices. Our activities are safe and developmentally appropriate for their age group (3-5 years old). On our lesson plan for this week and the following week we will be talking to the children about Pedestrian Safety. We go on community walks to show them when we should cross the street and how we must look both ways before crossing. Another way to talk and explain safety is by reading books. Children feel safe when they are allowed to play with toys that are not broken and that they have easy access too. During outdoor time teachers will make sure that the play ground is free of any sharp objects that can harm the children. Children feel safe when their environment is like being at home safe and nurturing. Children begin to enjoy their classroom by learning about things that surround them. This done by planning you lesson plan ahead of time. My Team creates a new learning environment each time that we come up with a new theme. We create new and exciting activities that will have children wondering and guessing what is coming next. One way to keep the children excited and interested is by setting up each area with books, puzzles and dress up clothes. As time goes by the children will adapt to a consistent  routine that will allow them to self regulate while exploring each center freely.

Friday, November 8, 2019

History of Iran

History of Iran Iran-contra episode was a political scandal between United State and Iran in the mid 1980’s. In the scandal, weapons were sold by the U.S government to Iran where the U.S hostages who had been held in Lebanon were released. On U.S policy by then, it was not allowed to make any funding in relation to support of Contras on the Boland Amendment.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on History of Iran-contra Episode in the mid 1980’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Contra groups were repels of which North, who was a Marine Corps during the scandal, held partial accountability in the deal of the weapons sale to Iran which occurred through the intermediaries. The scandal represented an aberration in American foreign country. To start with, it is a representation of a policy inconsistency in America policy as there was an amendment made against such transactions where the Reagan administration discarded its official weapons to Iranians. The U.S policy held the focus on restraining communism expansion but the Reagan doctrine basing on Iran-contra episode was determined in providing assistance to them that had aligned themselves against the government through Soviet Union. In 1985, there was the authorization bill which supported the anti-communist deter groups receiving full public acknowledgement. Iran had been declared as the leading sponsor in matters related to the international terrorism. This was the reason behind the laid restrictions on sale of any weapons to Iran. The U.S officials laid the underpinning plan for dramatic policy shift in their favor towards Iran. Fighting terrorism was however recognized during the reign of Reagan as the utmost foreign policy main concern (Byrne and Kornbluh). Iran-contra episode was considered to be a leadership problem instead of foreign policy’s problems in America on its objectives. In this view, foreign policy appraisal during the reign of Re agan is then important. Putting onto the considerations of the Reagan doctrine, American military had been underscored in power during the Vietnam experience. Iran-contra episode was carried in the secrecy which involved the foreign policy procedures. The operations involved carried two main objectives which included the hostage release and support of contra repels. Upon the discovery of the operations there was legal and upheaval to the Reagan administration. This proceeded Iran-contra committee which was meant to uncover them that held full accountability of the episode so as to avoid any other illegal activities which could be related with the foreign policy in future.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The Iran-contra episode brought about full illustration of how the Reagan administration fully embraced his doctrine. The episode also brought about jointly two vexing and t roublesome foreign policies. One of the policies dealt with Sandinista regime which was in Nicaragua, in the view of affirmed Marxist with the soul intention of spreading rebellion in terms of revolution all through in Central America. The second problem was associated with the Reagan administration dealing with Ayatollah Khomeini who led the Iranian regime and along with scholars supporters, had detained 63 Americans an act which happened in November 1979. In mid 1985, Reagan opted for the reversal on longstanding foreign policy to the sale of weapons to Iran in an attempt of freeing the U.S detainees (McCormick 144). The episode affected both bureaucratic and content characteristics of U.S foreign policy. There was a damage of both transparency and integrity of the government’s policy and this posed the challenge on how Reagan set of guidelines were being approved. It is conversely viewed as a means of privatization of what is supposed to be a public foreign policy with tra nsparency to just few individual groups’ consideration, such as the American Security Council as well as the privatization on constitutional grounds (Holsti 115). It is therefore a dictatorship path where the executive directs all powers without questioning. It cannot be overlooked the fact that Reagan administration had largely made some successful efforts in Soviet Union restoration and becoming a central of focus to the U.S on its foreign policy. This however did not take long as during the second reigning of Reagan as there was more on accommodation than the confrontations on the enforcement of the foreign policy in America. There were staunch in reverence to the anti-communist policy but the results were mixed after the Iran-contra episode. The values contained in the foreign policies were challenged as well as the directions of these policies in America. In conclusion, there were no changes which were made in the legislation so as to protect any other future breakdown w hich would happen in legality in reverence to foreign policy dealings. Even after the investigations were done, Reagan was only charged with the failure of carrying constitutional duty which demanded the upholding of regulations.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on History of Iran-contra Episode in the mid 1980’s specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The investigations which were carried were however viewed as a way of interfering with Reagan’s foreign policy. It can even be viewed as a deep commitment which the major purpose was to seek for the freedom of hostages. The Iran-contra episode is however viewed as a political witch-hunt through the investigations so as to punish officials over the variance on foreign policy in America. Iran-contra episode however, was an exposure to the zealous disregard which was carried by the executive branch to represent legislative constraints on American overseas policy. Work Cited Byrne, Malcolm and Peter Kornbluh. The Iran-Contra Scandal in Perspective. 2010. Web. Holsti, Ole R. Public opinion and American foreign policy. New York: University of Michigan Press, 2004. McCormick, James M. American Foreign Policy and Process. New York: Cengage Learning, 2009.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Free Essays on Union Fight For Rights

These days, the fast food industry employs millions of people around the world. Unfortunately, many of these people are not represented by unions. Fast food workers are forced to clean restaurants on their own time and are often compensated with food, not wages. Moreover, the fast food industry reduces costs in intolerable ways. Because employees need to have their rights protected, unions must be created in the fast food industry. For years unions have been established in several manufactures, helping people and solving their problems with giant, merciless companies and corporations. In fact, union can help workers fight for the higher wages, defend them from work without getting pay for overtime, makes them feel confidence about their future and ensure them with the respect from their employers. According to Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation, many of the fast food employees do not meet the criteria for overtime (73). Managers at McDonald’s and other chain restaurants cut labor cost by sending people home when business is slow, and programming them to work only as needed. Similarly, lots of the crew members are kept longer, sometimes up to late night hours whenever the restaurant is busy. Many restaurants practice working â€Å"off the clock in order to avoid paying overtime† (74). However, this statement misses the larger point: there are still people who work overtime without getting pay for it. Schlosser reports, †One employee, a high school dropout named Regina Jones, regularly worked seventy to eighty hours a week but was paid for only forty† (75). Moreover, thousands of people are in the same situation like this teenage girl. It seems clear how workers are being used by their employers. People like Jones would earn twice much money if they get paid for extra hours. This strategy save a lot of money for the owners of fast food restaurants, and extremely increases their revenues at the cost of inexperience... Free Essays on Union Fight For Rights Free Essays on Union Fight For Rights These days, the fast food industry employs millions of people around the world. Unfortunately, many of these people are not represented by unions. Fast food workers are forced to clean restaurants on their own time and are often compensated with food, not wages. Moreover, the fast food industry reduces costs in intolerable ways. Because employees need to have their rights protected, unions must be created in the fast food industry. For years unions have been established in several manufactures, helping people and solving their problems with giant, merciless companies and corporations. In fact, union can help workers fight for the higher wages, defend them from work without getting pay for overtime, makes them feel confidence about their future and ensure them with the respect from their employers. According to Eric Schlosser’s Fast Food Nation, many of the fast food employees do not meet the criteria for overtime (73). Managers at McDonald’s and other chain restaurants cut labor cost by sending people home when business is slow, and programming them to work only as needed. Similarly, lots of the crew members are kept longer, sometimes up to late night hours whenever the restaurant is busy. Many restaurants practice working â€Å"off the clock in order to avoid paying overtime† (74). However, this statement misses the larger point: there are still people who work overtime without getting pay for it. Schlosser reports, †One employee, a high school dropout named Regina Jones, regularly worked seventy to eighty hours a week but was paid for only forty† (75). Moreover, thousands of people are in the same situation like this teenage girl. It seems clear how workers are being used by their employers. People like Jones would earn twice much money if they get paid for extra hours. This strategy save a lot of money for the owners of fast food restaurants, and extremely increases their revenues at the cost of inexperience...

Monday, November 4, 2019

Report about Plagiarism is one form of academic dishonesty, although Essay

Report about Plagiarism is one form of academic dishonesty, although it cannot be assumed that all plagiarism occurs merely because a student is aiming to cheat. Discuss - Essay Example It is basically copying and pasting ideas from an original work of another person.Murdoch University (2004) defines plagiarism as: Plagiarism constitutes using the work of another without indicating by referencing (and by quotation marks when exact phrases and passages are borrowed) that the ideas expressed are not their own. †¦ Plagiarism and collusion apply to work in any medium (for example, written or audio text, film production, computer programs, etc.) (p. 20). Most universities tend to believe that students plagiarise simply because they want to cheat, however an analysis of a qualitative study done on 12 students revealed that there are other factors that influence a student in plagiarising. Such factors range from poor academic skills, self esteem to social and cultural factors. Research findings from other parts of the world are also comparing positively with these research findings and these findings can go along in generating ideas for universities to look into in solving this issue. Several studies all over the world have been conducted to find out what influences students to commit plagiarism. Initial researches have often used the assumption that plagiarism as a form of cheating is done deliberately by students for selfish gain however recently other research institutions have deviated from this assumption to other qualitative views that propels students to plagiarise (MurdochUniversity, 2004). Certain factors associated with education such as academic skills, social pressures, cultural pressures have also been found to contribute to plagiarism without the student necessarily intending. Although in most universities plagiarism is often equated with cheating. Cheating such as taking notes to an exam room, lying so as to get consideration and intentionally coming up with a fake bibliography is more intentional than plagiarism therefore plagiarism should be given a different approach in order to

Friday, November 1, 2019

Adverse Effects of the Foreign Aid Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Adverse Effects of the Foreign Aid - Essay Example uals, organizations and governments in order to assist people or governments experiencing distress, suffering, war, disasters and other emergencies provide humanitarian aid. For instance, governments could provide aid through the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) in cases of emergencies that occurred as a result of natural disasters. Development aid is the main focus of this paper. It is the financial and other resources provided by wealthy countries to low-income states in order to help spur economic development, reduce poverty, improve governance, solve population explosion, expand access to basic education and healthcare, protect the environment, promote stability in conflictive regions, protect human rights, among other objectives (Tarnoff, 2010, p.3). It is distinguished from the humanitarian assistance by the fact that the intent to alleviate suffering and poverty is aimed at the long-term as opposed to the latter's emphasis on the short- term relief. Industrialized countries have institutionalized development aid through their respective Official Development Assistance (ODA). Financial resources are provided through different channels such as international aid organizations, non-government organizations and global bodies such as the UN and the World Bank. The flow of financial resources and the part of it that is normally called aid, wrote Singer and Ansari (1988, p.180), is only a part - and a comparatively small part - of the total aid relationship between rich and poor countries. This is because other types of aid could also emerge. For instance, there are those who argue that when a rich country opens up its market to the exports of low-income countries, it is providing a meaningful aid. Ideally, the effect of foreign...This essay investigates the theme of relative ineffectiveness of foreign aid, compared with other forms of financial cooperation. The essay identifies a comprehensive list of problems that are ei ther directly or indirectly associated with large amount of foreign aid. It is expected that through the information, corrective measures could be identified made so that the delivery of financial aid is effective and could achieve more meaningful effects. Foreign aid is supposed to be an altruistic initiative. However, aids are often granted to beneficiaries in exchange for something or tied with several conditions. Then, there is also the claim that foreign aid could give rise to numerous problems on the part of the beneficiary such as its incapacitating effect on people in determining and building their own solutions to their problems. These variables, among others, underpin the manner by which large amount of financial resources and other forms of aid could cause harm to recipient countries. The absorptive capacity is the ability of a country to employ both domestic and foreign capital productively in the sense that the resources yield some minimum rate of return. This concept explains the problems and negative impacts for foreign aid beneficiaries listed by this paper. The lack of competence and capability for example, led to wastage in the financial aid, which often fall prey to unscrupulous government officials. It provided insights with regards to addressing the pitfalls entailed in giving aid.